Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Midwifery Apprenticeship

I’m very excited to announce the beginning of my midwifery apprenticeship.  I have partnered with Julie Hughes and Jen Anderson-Tarver at Mosaic Midwifery for the clinical portion of my midwifery studies.  I've been in prenatals for the last 2 weeks with these ladies and have had a wonderful time of getting acquainted (and re-acquainted) with the practice.  
Palpating and measuring bellies, listening to baby heartbeats, hearing so many unique stories and plans for homebirth - these are a few of my favorite things. I plan to spend the next 2 years hanging out with these lovely ladies and their clients while I finish my education and apprenticeship.  
If you’re interested in homebirth in Colorado and a fabulous midwifery team, please come visit Mosaic Midwifery!